A Look Back At The 2020 Election

Last night, the country rejected a lurch toward the left and San Francisco, California wokeness returning that resilent, fighting son-of-a-bitch Donald J Trump to the Oval Office in an embrace of “normal” and traditional American values. That’s my take on it. Use your own view of things.

It did turn over one rock and beneath it I see a troubling bit of conspiracy fodder. Here it is:

In 2020, Joe Biden received 81MM votes. 

In 2024, Kamala Harris received 67MM votes.

The progression of total votes for the Dem candidate since 2012 shows a coherent path until the anomaly of 2020 wherein Joe Biden received 14,000,000 more votes than Kamala did yesterday.

Is that plausible, Big Red Car?


And, therein lies the issue. Are we expected to believe Joe Biden received 14,000,000 more votes than Kamala Harris?

I don’t. Not sorry.

Bottom line it, Big Red Car, tee time, Old Sod

Fine, dear reader, something is rotten in Denmark and in the 2020 election.

But, hey, what the Hell do I really know anyway? I’m just a Big Red Car.

Be well, amigos, and don’t squander this remarkable opportunity.
