A long-time PlayStation fan feels neglected by Sony.

Sony and PlayStation are neglecting loyal fans and prioritizing new audiences, making the reader feel deserted.

June 8th 2024.

A long-time PlayStation fan feels neglected by Sony.
There's been a lot of buzz lately about gamers feeling entitled and expecting everything for free from developers. While I understand that perspective, I can't help but feel disappointed and neglected by Sony and the PlayStation brand. As a long-time fan, I feel like they've abandoned their dedicated audience in favor of chasing new audiences.

The recent State of Play presentation was a huge letdown for many of us. While Astro Bot looks promising, the new game Concord seems like just another generic title in a sea of live service games. It's a perfect example of why so many of us are concerned about Sony's focus on these types of games.

I'm sure there were people within Sony who recognized this issue and raised concerns, but it seems like those in charge just didn't care. They were willing to risk everything they've built over nearly 30 years for the slim chance of a live service game becoming a hit. And they didn't seem to care about the fans who have supported them all these years.

The PlayStation 1 was my first console, and I've been loyal to the brand ever since. It's not because I'm a die-hard fan, but simply because they've always provided the type of games I enjoy. There was a brief moment when I questioned my choice during the Xbox 360 era, but when Kinect came out, I felt reassured that I had made the right decision.

I'm not someone who dwells on nostalgia, and I truly believe that the PlayStation 4 was the best generation for gaming. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for the PlayStation 5. While it started off strong, the last two years have been a disappointment. Not only have there been very few first-party games, but Sony has also been completely silent without any explanation. It's becoming clear that they have no intention of changing that.

I've reached my breaking point. Astro Bot is the first game in two years that has caught my attention as a long-time PlayStation fan. However, it's not even considered a major release by Sony. And it's one of the few Japanese games left, as Sony only has one Japanese studio remaining.

If I were an Xbox owner, I would be cautiously optimistic right now. Yes, they've made mistakes, but at least they're trying to improve and have plenty of games in development. Meanwhile, Sony has nothing to show for themselves. Just the announcement of Wolverine and maybe a sequel to Ghost of Tsushima, which was only confirmed through job postings. As usual, Sony can't be bothered to communicate with their fans.

I feel like I've been used. For four generations, Sony was desperate for my business and that of others like me. But now that their poor planning has caused them trouble, they've abandoned their original audience in favor of one they think exists, but don't really know.

It's not just that they're not doing anything for their existing fans, it's that they're not even acknowledging that anything has changed. That's what I appreciate about Xbox. If they admit their mistakes and address how the industry has evolved, they'll earn more respect from me than Sony just cutting and running.

Overall, I hope Sony realizes the mistake they've made and starts valuing their loyal fans once again. Otherwise, I may have to look to Xbox for a more fulfilling gaming experience.

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