A large meteor illuminated the skies above Portugal.

A huge meteor was captured on film flying over Portugal, creating a bright flash in the sky.

May 19th 2024.

A large meteor illuminated the skies above Portugal.
On Saturday night, a spectacular event took place in the skies over Portugal. A massive meteor was caught on camera as it streaked through the atmosphere, illuminating the night with a brilliant burst of light. Those who were lucky enough to witness the sight were left dazzled and in awe.

The meteor made its appearance just before midnight, leaving many people in awe of the incredible sight. Videos of the event quickly spread on social media, showing a bright flash of light that almost seemed to turn night into day. Some videos captured the meteor with a greenish or bluish hue, adding to the mesmerizing display.

The footage was captured from various locations in Portugal, including Porto, by security cameras, dash cams, and even people who were out partying or attending concerts. Spanish astronomers who tracked the meteor’s path reported that it entered the atmosphere at a staggering speed of 161,000km/h. However, it stopped being visible at a height of 54 kilometers above the ground.

There is some uncertainty as to whether the meteor actually made contact with the Earth. Reports were received by the Portuguese Civil Protection agency of a possible meteorite landing in the municipality of Castro Daire, located about 65 kilometers southeast of Porto. But after investigating the area, no evidence of a meteorite was found.

An astrophysicist from Coimbra University, Nuno Peixinho, shed some light on the situation. He stated that the meteor may not have landed at all. According to him, images captured by a Spanish meteor observation network showed the meteor vaporizing while still more than 50 kilometers above the Earth’s surface.

In an interview with CNN Portugal, Peixinho explained that the bright burst of light witnessed by onlookers was actually the meteor disintegrating. He also revealed that meteors entering the atmosphere at high speeds are common, but this one was particularly impressive. It entered at a velocity of 45 kilometers per second, making it both large and fast.

Peixinho also pointed out that while meteors are not uncommon, fireballs like this one are much rarer, especially in a small country like Portugal. Many witnesses also reported hearing a loud noise along with the bright light, but Peixinho clarified that this was simply due to the size of the meteor, not because it hit the Earth and turned into a meteorite.

Overall, the meteor’s appearance in the skies over Portugal was a rare and breathtaking sight for those who were fortunate enough to witness it. It serves as a reminder of the vastness and wonder of our universe, and the unpredictability of nature’s phenomena.

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