A large female elephant was saved from a deserted well.

Elephant rescued from well in Keonjhar district after villagers tried to drive away herd.

October 9th 2024.

A large female elephant was saved from a deserted well.
In the quiet village of Patakhali in Keonjhar, an extraordinary rescue mission took place late Monday night. A 17-year-old female elephant, part of a 10-member herd, had fallen into an abandoned well. It was a frightening incident that left the villagers in a state of panic. The herd had arrived at midnight, and the villagers, alerted by the commotion, tried to drive them away. Unfortunately, their efforts resulted in the female elephant slipping into the well that belonged to the late Trilochan Nayak. The rest of the herd made desperate attempts to save their companion, but their efforts were in vain.

Thankfully, the villagers acted quickly and informed the forest personnel at 3:30 am. A team of officials rushed to the spot and began their rescue mission. They first poured water into the well and then used heavy earth-moving equipment to dig around it. It was a race against time, but they were determined to save the trapped elephant. After a tense few moments, the elephant was finally pulled out of the well and released back into the forest. The villagers, who had stayed awake throughout the ordeal, cheered as they saw the animal run back to its natural habitat.

It was a heartwarming sight to see the villagers and forest personnel working together to ensure the safe rescue of the elephant. The villagers, who had been warned about the presence of 24 elephants in the area, had shown great courage and compassion in assisting the officials. They had put their own safety aside and stayed up all night to help the elephant in need. The divisional forest officer, Dhanraj HD, expressed his gratitude to the villagers and informed the media about the successful rescue mission.

This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of coexisting with wildlife and the need to take precautions when encountering them. The forest officials have urged the villagers to remain vigilant and follow safety measures to avoid such incidents in the future. As for the female elephant, she has been reunited with her herd and is now back in the safety of the forest. Thanks to the timely action and joint efforts of the villagers and forest personnel, a tragedy was averted, and a beautiful animal was saved.

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