A humpback whale knocks a snorkeler aside in a video.

A tour group's guide was thrown into the air by a humpback whale on a snorkeling excursion.

September 3rd 2024.

A humpback whale knocks a snorkeler aside in a video.
A group of tourists on a snorkel tour recently had an unforgettable experience when their guide unexpectedly got tossed into the air by a humpback whale. Initially, the day had been a bit of a letdown as the group had not seen any whales during their trip, but that all changed when three adult whales suddenly appeared and began swimming near their boat on the Gold Coast.
According to dive master Mike Yates, the whales were incredibly curious and kept getting closer to the boat, sometimes even swimming underneath it. "It was amazing to see them so close and to make eye contact with them," Yates said. The whales seemed to be perfectly at ease, leisurely swimming near the surface for quite some time.
The group followed the regulations and kept a safe distance of 100 meters from the whales. They even put out a flotation rope as a precaution. However, that didn't stop the unexpected from happening. Suddenly, the whale's tail made contact with the rope, causing it to fling Yates into the air.
Yates described the feeling as being like when something lands on your hand and you instinctively flick it away. "The whale just flicked me away like that," he said. The group quickly made their way back to the safety of their boat, with Yates now having an incredible story to share. "Once my heart rate went back to normal, I couldn't help but think, 'Wow, that was pretty cool'," Yates said with a grin.
This exciting encounter was made possible with the help of 9ExPress. They were able to capture this once-in-a-lifetime moment and share it with the world.
Overall, it was a thrilling and unexpected experience for everyone involved. The group may have gone out hoping to see some whales, but they definitely got more than they bargained for. It just goes to show that sometimes, the best things in life happen when we least expect them.

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