A horse was named in honour of the late Queen Elizabeth, and it became friends with one of her corgis.

A friendship like something out of a Disney movie!

March 3rd 2023.

A horse was named in honour of the late Queen Elizabeth, and it became friends with one of her corgis.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

Speculation has been growing that the King may follow in his mother's footsteps and become an avid racegoer

It appears that the four-year-old gelding, Thank You Ma’am, has formed a special friendship with Paul Nicholls' pet Corgi, Sam, worthy of a Disney movie.

The racehorse was named in honor of the late Queen and recently had a fun playdate with Sam at Paul's home in Berkshire.

Paul, who won the 2012 Grand National, is looking forward to Champelton and Bravemansgame's outing and hopes that Thank You Ma’am will compete at the same event in a couple of years.

The Cheltenham Festival is coming up and it is expected to be attended by the Queen Consort, who is a passionate racegoer.

The King may also take part in Royal Ascot and Thank You Ma’am is set to compete in a point-to-point meet at Bangor-on-Dee Racecourse near Wrexham on March 12.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

Speculation has been rising that the King may take up his mother's interest in the sport and participate in Royal Ascot

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

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