A horror movie with The Boys star is now on Netflix and it's giving viewers a scare.

We are already scared.

September 18th 2024.

A horror movie with The Boys star is now on Netflix and it's giving viewers a scare.
Hey there, fellow Netflix viewers! Have you heard about the latest horror film that just landed on our beloved streaming platform? It's called Cobweb and it's been causing quite a stir, leaving some of us "actually scared" after watching it. With a star-studded cast including The Boys' Antony Starr and Lizzy Caplan, it's no wonder this film has been making waves.

Cobweb was actually released last year, but it's just now made its way onto Netflix in the UK. The story follows overprotective parents Mark and Carol, played by Starr and Caplan, as they try to figure out the mysterious tapping and voice that their son Peter is hearing from inside their walls. As Peter delves deeper into the source of these strange occurrences, he uncovers a dark secret that his parents have been keeping from him.

While the film may have received a mixed Rotten Tomatoes score, with a 59% critics rating and a 71% audience rating, it has still managed to climb its way up to the top 10 chart on Netflix. Many viewers have been raving about the terrifying scenes and urging others to give it a chance despite the score.

One fan, Casey P, describes Cobweb as an "underrated instant Halloween/October Classic" and commends the director for turning horror cliches on their head and presenting the story from a child's point of view. Another fan, D E, was pleasantly surprised by the film's unique take on the horror genre and couldn't stop thinking about it days after watching.

Other viewers, like Jonathan G, were blown away by the film's direction and performances, calling it a "great, terrifying horror movie." And let's not forget about Holly K, who praises the entire cast for their brilliant performances and admits to being genuinely scared while watching.

But what makes Cobweb so effective in its ability to scare and captivate its audience? According to director Samuel Bodin, known for his work on the Netflix series Marianne, it all comes down to preparation and intention. He wanted to create a feeling of fear by playing with shadows and tapping into the childhood experience of not always being able to see or understand what our parents are doing.

Bodin also drew inspiration from films like The Shining and The Babadook, which explore the theme of childhood and fear. To him, it's like telling a spooky story around a campfire, with each shot aiming to evoke the same nightmare in every viewer.

So, fellow Netflix viewers, if you're in the mood for a spine-chilling, suspenseful, and satisfying horror film, look no further than Cobweb. Trust us, you won't regret it. And if you do watch it, don't forget to share your thoughts with us. We'd love to hear your reactions. Happy watching!

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