A heartfelt message to comedian Billy Connolly as his love letter show goes on tour.

Scottish comedian Billy Connolly is a beloved national treasure, with a larger than life personality and countless funny and heartwarming stories that have become ingrained in Scottish culture. Theatre maker Gary McNair has spent years collecting these tales for a touring show.

May 22nd 2024.

A heartfelt message to comedian Billy Connolly as his love letter show goes on tour.
Billy Connolly is a name that needs no introduction. From his humble beginnings in the shipyards of the Clydeside to his incredible success on stage and screen, he has become a beloved national treasure. Almost everyone in Scotland has a story about Billy - whether it's a hilarious anecdote or a heartfelt tale, the Big Yin has become a central part of Scottish culture.

For the past seven years, theatre maker Gary McNair has been collecting these stories for a special show celebrating Sir Billy and his impact on the people of Scotland. The idea came to Gary after years of being compared to the comedian during his own tours. He couldn't help but think about the possibility of creating something that paid tribute to the iconic figure.

Last year, Gary's production Dear Billy, produced by the National Theatre of Scotland, toured around the country and was seen by over 8,000 people. It was a huge success and now he is taking the show back on the road. "It was a true honor to have the opportunity to create Dear Billy last year," Gary reflects. "The creative team was incredible, and we were blown away by the response from audiences all over the country. What I loved most was hearing people share their personal stories about the Big Yin as we traveled. It was the perfect way to celebrate the special place that Billy Connolly holds in the hearts of the Scottish people."

The demand for the show to return was overwhelming, and Gary is thrilled to be taking it back on tour so soon. "I can't wait to get the band back together and bring the show to new audiences all over Scotland," he says with excitement.

Written and performed by Gary, Dear Billy is one of the most nominated productions at this year's Critics' Awards for Theatre in Scotland. It has been shortlisted in four categories: Best Performer, Best New Play, Best Director, and Best Production. The show will be touring to the Pavilion Theatre in Glasgow, Eden Court in Inverness, and will have a two-week run at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in August.

Don't miss your chance to see this incredible production that celebrates the life and legacy of one of Scotland's most beloved figures. And for more news stories like this, be sure to subscribe to Scottish Field and stay up to date with the latest issue.

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