A golden retriever spoiled a family's holiday by stealing the entire turkey and running away.

Chuck is being warned not to do something.

December 27th 2024.

A golden retriever spoiled a family's holiday by stealing the entire turkey and running away.
Chuck, the mischievous golden retriever, caused chaos during his family's holiday festivities. With his mouth firmly clamped down on the bird, he refused to let go, much to the dismay of his owners.

It all started when Chuck's owner was dropping off presents at her friend's house in Armagh, Northern Ireland. Suddenly, she heard her daughter's panicked voice shouting, "No, Chuck, no!" As she turned around, she was met with the sight of her beloved pet running off with their entire turkey in tow.

In a desperate attempt to retrieve their dinner, the woman chased after Chuck into a nearby field. However, despite her efforts, the determined dog refused to relinquish his prized possession. Eventually, she had to give up and return home empty-handed.

Thankfully, after explaining the situation to a sympathetic butcher, the woman was able to secure an emergency turkey on Christmas Eve. However, her initial reaction was one of fear, as she thought, "My husband is going to kill me, and now I have to get another bloody turkey!"

Even with some begging and pleading, Chuck remained stubborn and refused to listen to his owners. Eventually, they had to accept defeat and call it a loss. Chuck had won this round.

Reflecting on the chaotic incident, the woman shared, "He had the whole turkey in his mouth, and he was not letting go. I chased him around the field, but I had to give up because he was just too strong-willed."

This was not the first time a dog had caused trouble during Christmas in this family. A few years ago, their other dog, Bubba, had managed to devour the entire turkey before passing out in a food-induced coma.

Apparently, Bubba had snuck into the kitchen and stolen the bird, leaving only a tiny scrap for the family of three to enjoy. According to her owners, Bubba is a kind and considerate dog, but her love for food can sometimes get the best of her.

As punishment for her turkey thievery, Bubba was put on a strict diet in the New Year. Hopefully, both Chuck and Bubba learned their lesson and will behave themselves during future holiday celebrations.

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