A friend invited me to her wedding, but her mom doesn't want me there.

Camping is okay, but I'm unsure of what to do now.

July 28th 2024.

A friend invited me to her wedding, but her mom doesn't want me there.
Dear Sandra,

I understand how heartbroken you must be feeling about your current dilemma. Weddings are supposed to be joyous occasions, but they can also bring about a lot of stress and tension. As a wedding planner and venue owner for the past 10 years, I have seen my fair share of wedding woes. That's why I am here to offer you some advice and help you find a solution to your problem.

Firstly, I want to assure you that there is nothing wrong with your initial idea of camping near the wedding venue. In fact, it's a practical and cost-effective option that many guests have opted for in the past. However, I can understand why the reaction of the maid-of-honour and mother of the bride caught you off guard and left you feeling unwelcome. But please don't take their words to heart. Everyone has different financial situations and priorities, and it's important to respect that.

Having said that, I do understand your concerns about staying in a tent and potentially causing any conflicts on the day of the wedding. In such a scenario, it might be worth exploring alternative accommodation options that are a short drive away from the venue. You could even consider renting a nearby house or cottage with a group of other guests, which can often be more economical than individual hotel rooms.

If you're worried that these options may not be available or affordable, I suggest having a conversation with your friend, the bride. She may have some suggestions or even secured a discounted rate for her wedding guests. Alternatively, the wedding venue may also have some recommendations for more affordable accommodation options. It's always worth asking around to see what other possibilities are out there.

Ultimately, where you stay should not be a deciding factor in whether or not you attend your friend's wedding. Your presence is what truly matters, and true friends will appreciate your efforts and understand your circumstances. So if camping is your best option, stick with your plan. You don't need anyone's permission to camp, and no one has the right to disinvite you. As long as you're there to celebrate with your friend, that's all that really counts.

I hope you have a wonderful time at the wedding, Sandra. And remember, if you ever need any more advice, I'm here to help.

Best wishes,

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