A foster carer's amazing response to having £3,000 stolen from savings meant for her sick grandson.

I am a kind person who enjoys helping the homeless by providing them with food and clothing. It is simply in my nature and I cannot be bitter.

October 10th 2024.

A foster carer's amazing response to having £3,000 stolen from savings meant for her sick grandson.
Maria Adlington, a 59-year-old foster carer, was devastated when she discovered that thieves had stolen £3,000 from her shopping trolley. She had earmarked the money to help her sick grandson and was heartbroken when she realized it was gone. Maria had just withdrawn the money from the bank and put it at the bottom of her trolley, which was empty except for a few bananas and carrots. She had no idea that while browsing the stalls at Hanley Market in Stoke-on-Trent, the trolley would be taken by heartless thieves.

Despite the terrible ordeal, Maria chose not to harbor bitterness towards the culprits. Instead, she hoped that the money would be put to good use by them or their children. She said, "I'd rather they use it for something they really need, like buying a wheelchair for a loved one or perhaps some much-needed clothes or shoes."

Maria recounted the incident, saying, "I remember turning around after buying some bananas and carrots and realizing my trolley was gone. I saw two men standing behind me, blocking my view, and another man running off with my trolley." CCTV footage later revealed that the men had followed Maria into the market, but it was unclear where they had come from. A kind shop owner at the market later informed Maria that he had seen the thieves giving her trolley to the security guard.

Feeling desperate and heartbroken, Maria immediately went to the bank to report the theft, but unfortunately, they were unable to help her. She said, "I've been saving up for a long time, even using my Christmas money. I just can't believe this has happened. I haven't been able to sleep since." Maria, who is known for her kindness and generosity, added, "I can't hold a grudge, it's just not in my nature. I hope the thieves have used the money for something they truly needed."

Maria and her husband are not wealthy by any means, and they don't live a lavish lifestyle. She said, "We're just an average couple, we don't wear designer clothes or expensive jewelry. We would never have expected to be targeted by thieves." Sadly, the police confirmed that Maria was not the only victim that day. A spokesperson said, "We received a report of a theft at Hanley Market. The victim had withdrawn a large sum of money from the bank, and it was taken from her trolley while she briefly left it unattended."

Staffordshire Police Inspector Victoria Ison added, "We understand the devastating impact that theft can have on victims, and we are determined to catch those responsible. We take all reports of theft seriously and will do everything in our power to bring the perpetrators to justice." Maria hopes that by sharing her story, she can prevent others from falling victim to such heartless acts. She said, "I just want to raise awareness and remind people to be vigilant with their belongings. I wouldn't want anyone else to go through what I have."

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