A few lessons

(1) The market and business model matter much more than our work. It is the equivalent of running uphill vs. downhill.

(2) Our ability to deliver results in our product/area/market matter lesser than timing. Being at the right place at the right time is the ultimate accelerant. Some part of this is building the right skills and some part of it is dumb luck.

(3) Facts don’t matter as much if you have the ability to distort them to tell the story you want. This is true in any large enough organization and is especially important if you want to pursue a career in political office.

(4) Complaining about recurring behavior is a lot like complaining about the weather. Either switch locations… or make peace with it.

(5) Who you know often matters a lot more than what you know and how well you know it.

(6) Show me the incentives and I’ll show you the behavior and the outcome.

(7) Karma often plays out on a timescale longer than we hope.
