A fan favorite from Coronation Street faces a critical situation as they are taken to the hospital, according to new spoiler videos.

Get a sneak peek at what's coming up on the cobbles next week with Metro's new video clips.

June 28th 2024.

A fan favorite from Coronation Street faces a critical situation as they are taken to the hospital, according to new spoiler videos.
Next week on Coronation Street, viewers can expect some unexpected twists that will leave them on the edge of their seats. As I've seen in the latest batch of spoiler videos, there will be high drama as one beloved character is rushed to the hospital in excruciating pain, while another is facing the possibility of jail time.

Toyah Battersby's troubles only seem to be getting worse. After returning home early, she suddenly doubles over in agony, leaving her in need of immediate medical attention. The doctors have some shocking news for her when she arrives at the hospital. The question is, will she be okay? And what news will she receive?

Meanwhile, Sarah Platt is in for a rough time when DS Lisa Swain summons her to the police station for questioning. Swain urges her to come clean about a crime she may have committed. And to make matters worse, poor Steve McDonald is dealt another heartbreaking betrayal, this time by his so-called friend Tim Metcalfe, who bails on Steve's birthday for an unexpected reason.

But fear not, for those who can't wait to see what happens next, I have a sneak peek at the upcoming episodes. So let's dive in, shall we?

On Monday, July 1, Steve is less than thrilled with how his birthday party is turning out. He is surprised when Tim doesn't show up and tries to figure out why. Brian reveals that Tim has gone to the unveiling of Tommy Orpington's bronze bust. Shocked and hurt, Steve decides to attend the event himself, with Cassie offering to drive him.

Then, on Wednesday, July 3, Toyah returns home to her flat and tells Nick that she's not feeling well. Nick, being the caring boyfriend that he is, goes to the store to get her some tomato soup, which Sam believes is the ultimate cure for any illness. However, as soon as Nick leaves, Toyah is hit with a wave of pain and desperately calls out for him to come back. Will Nick make it in time to help Toyah?

And on Friday, July 5, Sarah is brought to the police station once again by DS Swain. Nathan Curtis has made a claim that Sarah paid him thousands of pounds to keep quiet about his attack. Sarah stands by her story, insisting that Nathan cannot be trusted. But Swain warns her that if the allegations are true, she could be in serious trouble for obstructing justice. What will Sarah do now?

Tune in to ITV1 and ITVX to catch all of these thrilling scenes on Coronation Street, airing the week of July 5. And if you have any soap or TV news or photos, be sure to reach out to us via email – we love to hear from our readers. Don't forget to leave a comment and stay updated on all things soap-related on our homepage. See you next week on the cobbles!

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