A dying character seeks revenge in EastEnders, but things take an unexpected turn.

Is Nish actually the one laughing now?

July 4th 2024.

A dying character seeks revenge in EastEnders, but things take an unexpected turn.
Priya and Nish had made a secret deal recently, but things took a dark turn when Nish decided to take revenge on Priya for going back on their agreement in Thursday's episode of EastEnders.

Earlier in the week, viewers saw Priya offer Nish her "company" in exchange for some cash to secure a better financial future for her and her children, Nugget and Avani. In return, Nish was hoping to make his ex-wife, Suki, jealous. They even shared a kiss, which was unfortunately witnessed by Nugget through the window of No. 41 before he collapsed.

However, their intimate moment was cut short when they were interrupted with news about Nugget's health. While the teenager was receiving treatment for his steroid misuse, Nish continued to remind Priya of their deal, which made her have second thoughts about their arrangement.

On Thursday's episode, Priya seemed to be getting closer to her ex-husband, Ravi Gulati, as they came together to support their son. There were hints of a possible reconciliation when Ravi suggested that they should consider their future together once Nugget was back home.

Unfortunately, Nish witnessed their conversation and tried to blackmail Priya into going public as a couple. But she stood her ground and told him that their deal was off, and he deserved to be alone.

Meanwhile, Nish was already putting his revenge plan against Priya into action. He faked a health emergency and bumped into Ravi, lying to his son that he and Priya had slept together after she had been "grifting" and "teasing" him for weeks.

He even added a bit of truth to his lies, claiming that Nugget had seen them kissing through the window before he collapsed. Nish then went on to say that Priya had tried to blackmail him into giving her his businesses and properties in exchange for her silence about their supposed affair.

Enraged by Nish's claims, Ravi packed his bags and confronted Priya when she returned home with Avani and Suki. Priya tried to explain the truth, but her family refused to believe her, with Avani feeling disgusted by her mother's supposed actions.

As Ravi and Avani left No. 41 with their bags, a smug Nish looked pleased with himself for getting one over on a tearful Priya. However, Suki, who knows Nish's manipulative ways all too well, seemed to have a plan of her own. Will she let Priya in on her secret plot to bring down Nish?

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