A dad in a wheelchair is unable to leave his home due to the local council not constructing a ramp to provide him access.

Alexander French expressed feeling trapped in his own home after the council denied his request for a wheelchair ramp.

March 18th 2023.

A dad in a wheelchair is unable to leave his home due to the local council not constructing a ramp to provide him access.
Alexander French, 54, who is wheelchair-bound due to Fibromyalgia, expresses his feeling of being a prisoner in his own home after the council refused to construct a ramp from his tenement flat door to the pavement. Alex has lost the ability to walk and finds it difficult to leave his home independently without the help of his family. He is unable to pay for a ramp and therefore relies on his son or wife to get him out of the house. This has taken a toll on his mental health as he is unable to socialise and enjoy activities outside of the house.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

Do the clocks go forward this weekend?

Waitrose was recently criticized for selling an empty jam jar for more than a full one.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

A pensioner who lost his life while attempting to protect a nurse from a knife attack has been honored for his bravery.

Alexander French, 54, who is wheelchair-bound due to Fibromyalgia, has expressed his feelings of imprisonment in his own home after the council refused to build a ramp from his tenement stair door to the pavement. He does not like relying on his family to get in and out of the house, and is unable to socialise due to his inability to leave his home independently. Alex contacted the city council to request a wheelchair ramp, but was told he needed an NHS chair, and when he got one, they denied his request as he owned his house. His son had previously built a ramp, but it was no longer there, leaving Alex unable to leave his home without assistance. Alex is now unable to go out without help, and is feeling the toll it has taken on his mental health. Do the clocks go forward this weekend?

Waitrose has been ridiculed for selling an empty jam jar for more than a full one.

An elderly pensioner who died trying to save a nurse from a knife attack has been honoured for their bravery.

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