A Coronation Street actor confirms that their character would definitely develop feelings for Carla Connor.

Carla and Lisa's love story has our full support!

October 21st 2024.

A Coronation Street actor confirms that their character would definitely develop feelings for Carla Connor.
According to actress Vicky Myers, Lisa is going to fall in love. In Coronation Street, fans of #Swarla are horrified to see Carla and DS Lisa Swain avoiding each other. However, this won't last for long as the two will meet up for their usual red-wine-fueled chats next week. After a long day at work, Carla praises Lisa for her ability to balance motherhood and work. But things take a turn when Carla tries to comfort Lisa with a gentle touch and Lisa flinches before making a quick exit.

This isn't the first time Lisa has run away from an intimate moment with Carla. In fact, the two have previously shared a charged moment in Carla's flat. During a deep conversation about Carla's divorce and Lisa's mental health, the two shared a warm hug. But things escalated when Carla brushed a strand of hair from Lisa's face.

As someone who has already opened up about not wanting to get hurt after losing her wife Becky, Lisa struggles to fight her growing feelings for Carla. According to Vicky Myers, who plays Lisa, there's a lot of emotional baggage for her character. Losing Becky unexpectedly in the job that both she and Lisa loved has completely shattered their family dynamic. This has caused Lisa to become a different person, with a harsh exterior and a façade to protect herself from getting hurt again. She is afraid of opening up and loving someone.

Lisa doesn't trust herself and has made it clear that she doesn't want any complications in her life. This is true, but it's also because she doesn't want to add any more confusion to her already complicated life. She's already dealing with so much and she's not the type to have one-night stands. She is someone who falls in love deeply and personally. But for now, she doesn't want to go there. However, who knows? Maybe her feelings for Carla will become too strong to resist.

Carla, on the other hand, praises Lisa for juggling motherhood and work, something that Lisa deeply appreciates. But when Carla tries to touch her, Lisa flinches. Vicky Myers, like many fans, is excited to see Lisa embark on a new relationship. She hopes to see a softer side of Lisa, which is slowly starting to come out. But she also understands that change doesn't happen overnight and Lisa is still dealing with the aftermath of losing her wife and trying to protect herself and her daughter, Betsy.

Betsy is getting older and the family dynamic is changing, which triggers different emotions for Lisa. She knows she hasn't been the best mother or person, but she's trying to protect herself and her daughter by putting up walls. However, we have seen glimpses of her softer side, with the occasional smile and humorous moments that are relatable to everyone. Vicky would love to explore this new side of Lisa and experiment with her character. It would be a challenge to play a formidable and complex woman, who also has a vulnerable side that we haven't seen yet.

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Vicky believes that Lisa's way of dealing with her grief and protecting herself is understandable, but it's also important to explore the softer side of her character. As an actress, she finds it challenging and rewarding to play such a complex character and bring out different sides of her. Lisa is a relatable character because we all have different sides to us, and Vicky would love to explore this new side of her character. It would be a wonderful opportunity to see Lisa's growth and development as she navigates through her fears and emotions.

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