A child from Coronation Street is in grave peril as Leanne leads her into a dangerous cult.

Extremely evil.

June 19th 2024.

A child from Coronation Street is in grave peril as Leanne leads her into a dangerous cult.
Amy was caught up in the latest drama unfolding in Coronation Street. Leanne Battersby, who has been involved with the mysterious and sinister Altovalent Institute and its leader Rowan Cunliffe, may have found a new recruit in Amy Barlow. Leanne's interest in the cult seemed to have sparked Amy's curiosity.

It had been months since Leanne had become entangled with Rowan and his manipulative ways, causing her to make questionable decisions and even torment her own sister, Toyah Battersby. The extent of Rowan's manipulation was evident when he had his followers call Toyah with a false report of Leanne getting injured, just to keep her from attending her court case related to her social media posts about the cult.

But things took a surprising turn when Leanne was taken to a restaurant by Rowan, who revealed that she had been promoted and now had the authority to recruit new members. Meanwhile, Toyah noticed a strange man watching her, who later took a photo of her kissing Leanne's long-term partner, Nick. This only added to the mounting tension as the Institute prepared for a meeting at the bistro.

In tonight's episode, Leanne and Toyah were worried that their secret would be exposed, so they decided to come clean to Leanne at the Bistro. However, before they could speak, Rowan arrived and announced the Institute's meeting at the restaurant later that day, leaving Nick with no choice but to agree in fear of the truth coming out. As if that wasn't enough, Rowan handed Toyah a non-disclosure agreement and urged her to reconsider.

Under the pressure of Rowan's blackmail, Toyah reluctantly signed the agreement. As the cult members gathered at the meeting, Rowan announced Leanne's promotion and she gave a speech about finding a new family and feeling safe and seen. Amy, who worked as a waitress at the restaurant, couldn't help but admire Rowan's charm and how happy Leanne seemed.

Meanwhile, in the office, Toyah realized she had no other option but to sign the NDA. As she was about to put pen to paper, Amy walked in and revealed she had received a generous tip from the group for her service. This made Toyah wonder if Amy would be the next person to join the cult.

With all the drama unfolding, it's no wonder the residents of Coronation Street are on edge. Will Amy be the next member to be enlisted? Stay tuned to find out. And if you have any soap or TV stories, videos, or pictures, feel free to reach out to us through email. Also, don't forget to join the community and leave a comment below to stay updated on all the latest soaps news on our homepage.

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