A boat called a 'ghost ship' has arrived on land after enduring a hurricane.

A deserted ship, known as a 'ghost ship', was found on a Florida beach after being left behind during Tropical Storm Alberto.

July 2nd 2024.

A boat called a 'ghost ship' has arrived on land after enduring a hurricane.
The residents of Pensacola Beach were going about their day as usual when something unusual caught their eye. On June 18, a large boat suddenly appeared on the shore, looking eerily abandoned and alone. It was a 45-foot sailboat with tattered sails, and it had apparently survived a recent hurricane. The locals were taken aback by this mysterious vessel, and they quickly dubbed it the "ghost ship."

As news of the ghost ship spread, it caught the attention of meteorologist and storm chaser Allie Garrett. She shared her thoughts on the strange boat with NBC News, saying, "We called it the 'ghost ship' because that's exactly what it looked like. And soon enough, that's what everyone was calling it around here."

One witness, Francine Farrar, described the ghost ship as "ghostly" as it made its way to the shore. She couldn't believe her eyes as she watched it approach. The locals couldn't resist giving the sailboat a nickname, and it became known as the "ghost ship" to everyone in the area.

At first, the residents assumed that the sailboat must have broken free from its marina due to the recent hurricane. "We just thought this sailboat broke loose from the marina, that someone didn't tie it down well enough," Farrar explained. However, little did they know, there was a lot more to the story of this ghostly vessel.

Thanks to the power of social media, the news of the ghost ship eventually reached Michael Barlow, the owner of the boat. He had purchased the sailboat, named The Lady Catherine III, just a month prior for $80,000. Barlow had big plans for the boat, hoping to sail around the world with his wife and nine-year-old son.

However, his journey was cut short when he and a friend encountered dangerous waves caused by Hurricane Alberto. The strong winds and rough waters damaged the boat's autopilot and engine, leaving Barlow and his friend stranded and in danger. They were eventually rescued by the US Coast Guard, but they had to leave The Lady Catherine III behind.

Barlow was devastated when he saw the news of his boat washing up on the shore. He explained, "I knew it was her the moment I saw her on the beach." But now, he faced a difficult decision - either pay $28,000 to have the boat removed and destroyed, or try to salvage it himself.

Determined to save his beloved boat, Barlow started a GoFundMe page to raise money for its recovery. He shared the story of his harrowing experience and the damage that the boat had sustained. His goal was to raise $10,000, but thanks to the generosity of strangers, he had already reached that goal in just a few days.

Barlow now faces the daunting task of moving the boat to a dry dock and repairing all the damage. It's estimated that it could cost tens of thousands of dollars, but for Barlow, it's worth it to have his dream boat back. As he shared on his GoFundMe page, "I refuse to let The Lady Catherine III die on a beach."

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