A 92-year-old retiree was caned for hours, showing that older men are not frail.

They desire to experience a carefree and adventurous afternoon.

October 20th 2024.

A 92-year-old retiree was caned for hours, showing that older men are not frail.
As a sex worker, Melissa Todd is no stranger to unique requests from her clients. One of her regulars, Nigel, is a 92-year-old retiree who enjoys being caned and punished. Before their session can begin, Nigel insists on five minutes of privacy to change into his chosen attire and gather his implements. Melissa obliges and gives him space as he sorts through his bags of clothes and requests a drink.

Not wanting to keep Nigel waiting, Melissa quickly prepares his drink and is surprised when he appears in her kitchen, fully dressed in an outfit that would make even the most daring fashionista do a double take. Nigel is sporting knee-high white socks, four-inch black heels, a grey gym slip, blouse, stripy tie, and messy black plaits on his head. Melissa can't help but admire his dedication to the role as she hands him his drink.

Nigel takes a quick sip before skipping up the two flights of stairs to Melissa's playroom, which is located in a detached attic to spare the neighbors' ears. The room is painted all in white since it also serves as a modeling studio. The faint smell of Dettol lingers in the air, a result of the constant disinfecting that takes place between clients. Melissa has been told that the scent of Dettol can even make some men aroused.

In the playroom, there is a picture of Queen Victoria on the wall, which serves as a no-nonsense pin-up, and a school desk, sofa, and rows of implements. The room can be transformed into a headmistress' study, a classroom, or even an auntie's boudoir with a bit of imagination. Outside, the sounds of seagulls and traffic can be heard.

Nigel stands before Melissa, trembling with anticipation as she scolds him. He obediently lifts his skirts and positions himself across her desk as she begins to cane him. After 24 strokes, Nigel is sent to the corner with his stripy buttocks exposed. Melissa then paces back and forth, swishing her canes and tawses, watching him shiver at the sound. After a few minutes, she takes him across her knee and begins to spank him with her hand and slipper.

Nigel has been a client of Melissa's for ten years, and he visits her quarterly, alternating between her and three other women. Occasionally, if one of them is unavailable, Nigel will switch up the order, although this displeases him. He has been visiting disciplinarians for a total of sixty-five years, first finding their numbers in phone boxes and now online. His desire for punishment began in his teenage years.

Melissa has noticed that many of her older clients, like Nigel, have a deep-seated desire to be punished by a dominant woman. She believes it is innate and inescapable, possibly stemming from the days when they were caned at school for misbehaving. Her clients tell her that the endorphins and joy they experience after a good consensual thrashing are unparalleled. Despite the physical and emotional benefits, masochists are often seen as bizarre and weird, which Melissa believes is a shame.

She also has many clients in their 80s and 90s, who are still able to make the journey to see her. She suspects that the ability to handle pain may have some health benefits for them, in addition to their wealthy and middle-class status. Nigel, for example, often drives to see her in his shiny navy Jaguar, which is about a two-hour journey from his home. Melissa has also visited him at his house, admiring his paintings, antiques, and even the air raid shelter in his garden.

Nigel's love for cross-dressing is a more recent development, which he attributes to the passing of his wife ten years ago. He enjoys having a touch of femininity in his life and first found Melissa on a porn site. These days, he spends a lot of time looking at porn, especially after having nursed his wife through cancer. He stumbled upon Melissa's porn name, did some research, and found her email address. And the rest, as they say, is history.
As a sex worker, Melissa Todd has seen clients of all ages and preferences. However, she has a special place in her heart for her older clients, who often come to her seeking the thrill of being punished. One such client is Nigel, a 92-year-old man who is her oldest client. Before they begin their session, Nigel always insists on having five minutes alone to change into his chosen outfit and prepare himself mentally for the punishment ahead. Melissa obliges and uses this time to make him a drink, but Nigel is not one for tea - he prefers Bacardi or vodka with coke and plenty of ice.

Once he is ready, Nigel totters into the kitchen in his eccentric outfit - knee-high white socks, four-inch black heels, grey gym slip, blouse, stripy tie, and messy black plaits. Melissa can't help but smile at the sight of him. Nigel takes a sip of his drink, sticks his tongue out playfully, and skips up the stairs to Melissa's playroom, which is located in the attic of her house to avoid disturbing the neighbors with the sounds of their sessions.

The playroom is painted all in white, serving as both a punishment room and a modeling studio. It always smells faintly of Dettol, as Melissa is diligent about disinfecting all surfaces and implements between clients. Some clients have even told her that the scent of Dettol makes their "cocks bob." On the wall, there is a picture of Queen Victoria, who serves as the ultimate no-nonsense pin-up. The room is equipped with a school desk, sofa, and rows of implements, making it versatile enough to be transformed into a headmistress' study, a classroom, or even an auntie's boudoir with a little imagination and rearranging.

As Nigel stands before her, trembling with anticipation, Melissa begins to scold him for his misbehavior. He obediently lifts his skirts and positions himself across her desk, ready for his punishment. Melissa expertly administers 24 strokes of the cane, and Nigel's stripy buttocks are soon exposed and on display. Melissa paces back and forth, swishing different canes and tawses, watching Nigel shiver at the sound. After a few minutes, she takes him across her knee and starts to spank him with her hand and slipper.

Nigel has been visiting Melissa for ten years now, along with three other women who see him on a quarterly basis. Occasionally, if one of the women is unavailable, he will switch up the order, although this displeases him. He has been seeking out disciplinarians for sixty-five years, first finding their numbers in phone boxes and now online. His desire to be punished began in his teens and has never wavered.

Melissa has noticed that many of her older clients have shared the same desire to be punished by a dominant woman. She believes that it is an innate and inescapable desire, possibly stemming from the strict punishment they received in their youth. Her clients often tell her that the surge of endorphins and joy they experience after a good consensual thrashing is unmatched. However, she also laments that masochists are often seen as bizarre and inexplicable, instead of being given the respect and understanding they deserve.

Melissa has clients of all ages, including many in their 80s and a handful in their 90s. Despite their age, they still make the effort to see her, whether it's catching a train or driving to her house. She suspects that the pain they experience during their sessions may even have some health benefits for them, as they tend to be wealthy and middle class. Nigel, for example, drives to see her in his shiny navy Jaguar, which takes him about two hours from his house. Sometimes, Melissa will visit him and admire his paintings, antiques, and even the air raid shelter in his garden.

Nigel's love for cross-dressing is a relatively recent phenomenon, which started after the death of his wife ten years ago. He tells Melissa that he missed having a touch of femininity in his life and found solace in dressing up when he started seeing her. Melissa finds out that Nigel first found her on a porn site, and now spends a lot of time looking at porn since he has more free time after taking care of his wife during her battle with cancer. He stumbled upon Melissa's porn name, googled her, and found her email, which led to their first session together.

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