A 74-year-old feels youthful due to their weekly spending.

It's never too late to improve your health and fitness - I'm living proof!

April 28th 2024.

A 74-year-old feels youthful due to their weekly spending.
It's hard to believe it's been a year since I first started working out with a personal trainer. I remember standing in front of the full length mirror at the gym, flexing my bicep to admire the muscle definition I had achieved. I couldn't resist snapping a photo on my phone to celebrate my progress. "Looking good!" I said to myself with a smile.

I have to admit, striking a pose for the camera at the gym has become somewhat of a trend these days. But I'm not your typical Gen Z influencer. In fact, I'm a septuagenarian – someone who grew up in the age of typewriters, not smartphones. I just celebrated my 74th birthday, but I feel more like I'm in my 40s. And let me tell you, it's never too late to make changes and take care of your health.

I haven't always been so confident in my own skin. As a busy working mom, I struggled with the same insecurities as many other women. I would hide my figure under baggy dresses and felt self-conscious eating in front of others, fearing judgment. But as I approached my forties, I realized I couldn't keep juggling everything and trying to do it all. It took a toll on my mental and physical health.

It wasn't until a good friend convinced me to see my GP that I finally sought help. I remember sitting in a pub after work, nursing a glass of wine, and feeling like I needed to share how I was feeling. My friend was understanding and helped me to stop judging myself. With her support, I found the courage to seek professional help.

I ended up breaking down in my doctor's office, but thankfully my GP was sympathetic and signed me off work with stress-related depression. During that time, I focused on swimming and walking, trying to take care of myself. After six weeks, I thought I was feeling better and went back to work, only to end up off again two years later. That's when I realized something needed to change.

I had a lightbulb moment and decided to hand in my notice. It was also around this time that my approach to my health started to shift. So many women think that once they hit 50, that's it, they're done. But for me, it felt like a new beginning. I joined a gym and learned how to use the machines, as I had heard that resistance training could help protect against frailty and falls as we age.

Over the next few years, I made it a habit to go to the gym twice a week, even when I didn't feel like it. But after each session, I always felt better. Then, in 2011, I became a grandma when my daughter gave birth to my grandson, Jacob. They live in the US, and I knew I needed to keep myself healthy to manage the long-distance flights. Jetlag is no fun when you're not feeling your best.

Feeling inspired, I wrote and self-published a book called "Journey to Chocolate," which chronicled my quest for a more balanced and fulfilling life. I wanted to shake people out of their autopilot mode and encourage them to make positive changes.

My husband, Iain, was completely on board with my new lifestyle. We started eating clean, focusing on fresh fruits and vegetables, avoiding processed foods, and cutting out alcohol from Monday to Thursday. These changes made me feel more energetic, helped me sleep better, and made it easier to manage my weight. I found myself making friends with younger women who shared my enthusiasm for life.

Then, in the spring of 2020, as the Covid pandemic hit and the world went into lockdown, I grew tired of hearing people over 50 being labeled as "vulnerable." I had just celebrated my 70th birthday and felt anything but. In fact, I felt like I was in the best shape of my life since turning 50.

That's when I decided to take my fitness journey to the next level and signed up with a personal trainer, Janine Worthington. I met her through a women's networking event and was surprised to find out that she was a mid-lifer who just looked incredibly healthy. I couldn't resist asking her for a session or two, thinking that if she could look that good, then why couldn't I?

During our first session in her garage gym, she had me doing squats, lunges, and lifting weights. It was hard work, but to my surprise, I really enjoyed it. It was different from my usual workouts because we were chatting and having fun while she also helped me get the most out of each exercise. I was learning new things and feeling challenged in a positive way.

I discovered that I responded well to being pushed during our one-to-one sessions, and Janine never focused on my age, but rather on what I could do. "I can't believe this is actually fun!" I laughed. Now, I work out with Janine once a week, attend regular pilates classes with my teacher Beverley Densham, and go for daily walks with my husband, Iain.

Speaking of Iain, we've been married for 45 years, and we're still going strong. I feel incredibly grateful to have his support and love throughout my journey. I also run a Facebook Group called "The Unlikely Guru," where I bring together other like-minded individuals who want to enjoy their lives as they age. I call myself the "unlikely" Guru because if you had told my 40-year-old self that I would become a fitness influencer in my 70s, I would have thought you were joking.

But now, I'm determined to lead an "ageing well" movement. My message is simple: it's never too late to make positive changes and take care of your health. Whether it's prioritizing exercise, eating well, getting enough sleep, lowering stress, or finding a sense of purpose, it's never too late to improve your vitality.

As told to Jade Beecroft.

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