A 22-year-old British tourist feared she would be left alone to die after being ejected from a quad bike.

She stood up but collapsed due to lack of air. Luckily, they were both wearing helmets which saved their lives.

July 4th 2024.

A 22-year-old British tourist feared she would be left alone to die after being ejected from a quad bike.
Courtney's dream holiday in Greece quickly turned into a nightmare when she was thrown off a quad bike and down a 13ft drop. The 22-year-old had been backpacking solo in Naxos when she met up with friends and decided to go for a ride on a rented quad bike. However, their outing took a dangerous turn when her friend pulled over to let a car pass and accidentally hit a fence, causing Courtney to be flung down a steep drop with the quad bike landing on top of her.

As a result of the crash, Courtney suffered severe injuries including a pleural effusion, a split liver, a torn spleen, and internal bleeding. She was immediately airlifted to a hospital in Athens where she remains in intensive care. Her mother, Debbie, shared that Courtney had been planning this trip since high school and had saved up for it after finishing university. She was excited to continue her education or start a career in history after her travels.

Debbie also revealed that Courtney's love for history and ability to make friends easily led her to travel solo. However, her trip took a turn for the worse when she was attacked by a random girl in Rhodes, causing her to lose some confidence. But Courtney didn't let this stop her and continued on to Kos and Mykonos before meeting up with friends in Naxos.

On the day of the accident, Courtney and her friend had planned to explore the island on a quad bike while their other friends went for a hike. Unfortunately, their ride was cut short when they encountered a narrow road and had to pull over to let a car pass. After the car had gone, Courtney's friend accidentally revved the engine too hard and crashed into a fence, sending them both over the embankment. Courtney fell off the back and rolled down the ravine, with the quad bike landing on top of her. Thankfully, they were both wearing helmets which saved their lives.

After receiving a voicemail from Courtney about the accident, Debbie immediately contacted the embassy and flew out to be with her daughter. She shared that Courtney's first words upon seeing her were heart-wrenching as she believed she was going to die alone. Courtney has been in the hospital for six days now and is slowly recovering from her injuries. However, the family is facing financial difficulties as they try to bring her back to the UK for further treatment.

The local roads and quad bikes in the area were described as dangerous and lethal, causing concern for Courtney's safety. The family is now fundraising to cover the costs of bringing her back home, as a private air ambulance would cost over £36,000 and a commercial flight with medical assistance would cost around £5,000.

Courtney's story is not the only one of its kind, as another British tourist was recently hospitalized after a quad bike crash in Zakynthos. The family hopes to raise awareness about the dangers of these vehicles and the importance of proper safety precautions while traveling. They are grateful for the support and kindness shown by the doctors and locals during this difficult time.

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