A 15-year-old boy is in a coma after a failed flip off a pier.

He was finally given the freedom to go to the beach alone for the first time.

July 8th 2024.

A 15-year-old boy is in a coma after a failed flip off a pier.
Fifteen-year-old Jack Dolan's life changed forever after a tragic accident in Margate, Kent. The teenager, known for his love of adrenaline and adventure, was attempting a flip off Stone Pier when he landed head first into the water, leaving him with severe brain damage. His friends and girlfriend were there to witness the horrifying moment.

Jack had performed this stunt successfully before, but this time it didn't go as planned. He hit the water with such force that he was knocked unconscious. His friends quickly pulled him out, but the damage had been done. Jack was left in a vegetative state, with only his brain stem showing signs of activity. Doctors are unsure of how long he will live, but they say it could be weeks or even years.

This was the first time Jack had been allowed to go to the beach without his mother and stepfather, Lisa and Dave. Dave, who has raised Jack as his own, is heartbroken over what has happened. He believes that Jack may have misjudged the flip, causing him to hit the water face first. But he also knows that Jack was a pro at this stunt and there is no one to blame.

The last picture of Jack, taken just half an hour before the accident, shows him smiling as he arrived at Margate Station with a friend. Jack, who has two younger sisters, was a student at the Howard School in Medway. His parents had always been cautious about letting him go to the beach alone due to his ADHD, which sometimes causes him to act before he thinks. But they wanted to give him more freedom as he was now 15 years old.

Dave is proud of Jack's friends for their quick actions after the accident. One of them called 999 while his girlfriend immediately informed Jack's mother, who rushed to the scene. Jack was then taken to the hospital, but the MRI scans showed that his brain was beyond repair. When doctors withdrew his life support, Jack continued to breathe on his own, but that was about all his body could do.

Now, Jack requires round-the-clock end-of-life care, which his family cannot provide in their current council flat in Rainham, Kent. They are hoping to move to a more suitable accommodation, but this will require renovations and purchasing specialized equipment. To cover the costs, they have set up a Just Giving page and have received an overwhelming amount of support from the community.

Dave and Lisa refuse to give up on Jack and are determined to bring him home as soon as possible. Lisa is even learning how to care for Jack from the doctors and nurses in London, and she plans to leave her job in finance to be with her son full-time. Jack's friend, Sam Cass, organized a crowdfunding page to help ease the financial burden on the family. He describes Jack as a jokester with a big heart and hopes that this fundraiser will show the family how much they are loved and supported during this difficult time.

If you would like to donate to Jack's cause, please visit his Just Giving page. Every little bit helps as the family works towards bringing Jack home and giving him the best care possible.

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