A 12-year-old boy killed a 200-pound bear that was attacking his father.

12-year-old boy saves dad from black bear at Wisconsin cabin.

September 18th 2024.

A 12-year-old boy killed a 200-pound bear that was attacking his father.
On a typical day, Ryan Beierman and his 12-year-old son, Owen Beierman, went on a bear hunt near their cabin in Wisconsin. This was not their first time, as they were both experienced hunters. Little did they know, this hunt would turn into a fight for survival.

As they approached a bait station, Owen spotted a 200-pound black bear and quickly took action, firing his 350 Legend hunting rifle. Unfortunately, the shot did not hit the ideal kill zone and the bear ran off. Determined to find the wounded animal, Ryan and Owen enlisted the help of a neighbor's tracking dog as darkness began to fall.

After searching for a while, they finally spotted the bear just a few feet away. Without warning, the bear charged at Ryan, who attempted to defend himself by firing eight shots. However, all of them missed their target and the bear continued its attack.

In a state of panic, Ryan did everything he could to protect himself, including using his pistol to strike the bear. But it felt like he was hitting a brick wall. The bear's claws and teeth were all he could see, and he could feel the impact of its bites. With no other option, Ryan continued to fight for his life.

In the midst of the chaos, Owen remained calm and composed. He quickly realized that his father's life was in danger and knew he had to act fast. Without hesitation, he aimed his rifle and fired a shot that transferred the bear's weight to one side, allowing Ryan to push it off. They heard the bear's final moans and weren't sure if they needed to fire another round or not.

Once the bear was no longer a threat, Owen helped his father find his glasses under the carcass. Ryan then called for help and they both discovered that he had been injured during the attack. He had 23 stitches on his cheek and several puncture wounds on his arm.

Ryan knew that if it weren't for his son's bravery and quick thinking, he may not have survived the attack. He was incredibly proud of Owen for remaining composed and helping him during such a terrifying situation. Owen, on the other hand, was understandably shaken but still managed to keep it together.

After this traumatic experience, Ryan decided that he was done with bear hunting. He didn't want to risk his life or his son's again. But he will always be grateful to Owen for saving his life and for being there for him when he needed it the most.

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