6-year-old boy kidnapped, discovered alive 73 years later thanks to his niece solving the cold case.

The man recalls some details about his abduction.

September 21st 2024.

6-year-old boy kidnapped, discovered alive 73 years later thanks to his niece solving the cold case.
A heartwarming story has recently emerged about a man named Luis, who was reunited with his long-lost brother after 73 years, all thanks to the dedication of his niece. Luis, now 79 years old, was just six years old when he was abducted by a woman back in 1951 while playing in a park with his older brother, Roger. The woman had promised him sweets before snatching him away and taking him all the way from West Oakland to the east coast, as reported by the MailOnline.

Luis was then raised by a couple in New York City, who treated him as their own child. Despite being so far away from his family, Luis never lost hope that one day he would be able to return home. Sadly, his mother passed away in 2005 at the age of 95, never knowing what had happened to her son. However, Luis' niece, Alida Alequin, never gave up on her uncle's case. She tirelessly pursued leads, using DNA testing and information from newspaper clippings, until she finally cracked the cold case.

Alida, who still resides in Oakland, enlisted the help of local authorities such as the police, FBI, and Department of Justice in her search for Luis. Her efforts were praised by the local police force, who said she played an integral role in finding her uncle. With Alida's determination and hard work, Luis was finally located and brought back to his hometown after being taken to the other side of the country.

Alida was able to organize a reunion for Luis and Roger, who were overjoyed to see each other after 73 years of separation. Luis hugged his niece and expressed his gratitude by saying, "Thank you for finding me," before giving her a kiss on the cheek. Over the past 70 years, Luis had served in the Marine Corps, completed two tours of duty in Vietnam, and worked as a firefighter. He is also a proud father and grandfather.

Although the reunion between Luis and Roger was a happy one, it was also bittersweet as Roger had been diagnosed with cancer just before they were able to meet. According to Alida, the brothers had a long and tight hug before sitting down and catching up on lost time. They were only able to meet twice before Roger sadly passed away in August, but Alida believes that he died peacefully, knowing that his brother had been found.

Alida, who played a crucial role in bringing the brothers back together, said that she was overjoyed to have been able to bring closure and peace to her uncle's life. She also hopes that her story will inspire other families who may be going through a similar situation to never give up hope. She said, "I was always determined to find him, and who knows, with my story out there, it could help other families going through the same thing. I would say, don't give up."

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