6 surprising facts about penises that weren't covered in biology class.

Penile spines exist?

January 15th 2024.

6 surprising facts about penises that weren't covered in biology class.
When we were in school, we all had that one biology teacher who awkwardly tried to teach us about sex while we were all giggling in our seats. While they may have covered the basics, there is so much more to learn about penises and erections that they probably didn't even touch on. Sexual health is something that we should all be knowledgeable about, and luckily, we have experts like Dr. Danae Maragouthakis from Yoxly, an Oxford-based sexual health start-up, to educate us on the topic. Dr. Danae is also known as the "Instagram doctor" for her informative posts about our genitals.

We've already debunked some misconceptions about penises, but now it's time to dive into the hard facts. Did you know that there are actually three types of erections? It's not just a matter of getting aroused and getting hard. There are subconscious erections that happen while we're dreaming, psychogenic erections that are triggered by sexual fantasies or visual stimuli, and reflexogenic erections that occur due to physical stimulation.

While we often associate erections with orgasms, the truth is that you don't necessarily need to be fully erect to experience one. Some people can even have an orgasm without being fully aroused, and some men have reported being able to climax solely through prostate stimulation. So, if you're having trouble getting an erection, don't worry - it doesn't mean you can't still have a satisfying sexual experience.

Here's a surprising fact: up to half of your erection is actually hidden. That's right, your penis is longer than it looks. About 30% of the tissues that make up an erection are internal and cannot be seen from the outside. So, next time you're admiring your hard-on, remember that there's actually more to it than meets the eye.

You may have heard of penile spines, but don't worry, humans don't actually have them. However, our distant relatives like chimpanzees, as well as animals like cats, bats, and koalas, do have these pointed structures in their genitalia. While their exact purpose is still being studied, it's believed that they may help induce ovulation or enhance sensation during sexual activity.

There's a common myth that the penis is a muscle that can be exercised to increase size and improve sexual performance. But the truth is, the penis is not a muscle. It may look like one when it becomes hard due to the increased blood flow, but it is actually made up of spongy tissue and blood vessels. So, be careful with your penis and seek medical attention immediately if you experience a fracture, as it can be incredibly painful and even dangerous.

Believe it or not, what you eat can also affect your erections. Foods high in nitric oxide, such as dark chocolate, beets, garlic, watermelon, and leafy green vegetables, can help improve blood flow and thus, improve your erections. And for all you oyster lovers out there, you may have another reason to indulge in these shellfish. Foods high in zinc, like oysters, beef, chicken, nuts, and beans, are essential for good testosterone levels and sperm production.

We all know that smoking is bad for our health, but did you know that it can also affect your sexual performance? While there is no scientific evidence that smoking can shrink your penis, it does constrict blood flow, which can result in weaker erections. And for men who smoke, there is an increased risk of erectile dysfunction due to damage to blood vessels. But the good news is, if you quit smoking, your blood vessels can heal, and your sexual function can improve.

So, there you have it - some interesting facts about penises and erections that you probably didn't learn in school. It's important to educate ourselves about our sexual health and not rely on myths and misconceptions. And if you have a story to share or questions to ask, don't hesitate to reach out to experts like Dr. Danae. After all, knowledge is power, especially when it comes to our bodies.

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