5 lessons learned from the 9th annual ColorComm conference, celebrating women of color in communications.

"Conference with "Reaching for More" theme takes place in Los Angeles, California for the first time."

July 29th 2024.

5 lessons learned from the 9th annual ColorComm conference, celebrating women of color in communications.
The 9th Annual ColorComm conference was a truly inspiring event that brought together nearly 400 women at The Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles from July 24 to July 26. The theme of this year's conference, "Reaching for More," served as a call to action for women of color in the communications industry and all those who support them. ColorComm Inc., one of the nation's leading women's platforms, has been at the forefront of addressing diversity and inclusion across the communications, marketing, advertising, and media industries.

The three-day retreat kicked off with the prestigious 9th Annual ColorComm Circle Awards, emceed by media personality Star Jones. ColorComm's CEO and founder, Lauren Wesley Wilson, also shared her insights and commentary with the attendees. Jones highlighted the importance of the conference's theme in light of recent events, such as the Black women's movement to support Vice President Kamala Harris becoming the Democratic nominee for President. She noted that now, more than ever, it is essential for women to reach for more within their professional journey.

Throughout the conference, attendees were treated to a range of inspirational panels featuring industry veterans. These panels offered valuable insights, mentorship, and career progression. Here are five major takeaways that attendees walked away with from the insightful panel programming:

1. Salary and position negotiation is a must, always. Tiffany Smith-Anao'I, EVP of Entertainment Diversity and Inclusion at Paramount, gave attendees a crash course on negotiating in the workplace. She stressed the importance of understanding one's worth and not being afraid to ask for what one deserves. Smith-Anao'I also advised attendees to not take negotiations at face value and to not fear the word "no."

2. You don't get what you deserve; you get what you negotiate. Building on the previous point, Smith-Anao'I pointed out that negotiating is not just about salary but also about considering one's lifestyle needs. She also encouraged attendees to seek advice from their trusted peers and to study the company and position they are applying for. She concluded by saying that one doesn't get what they deserve; they get what they negotiate.

3. No matter how much diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) come under attack, it's still needed. Sue Obeidi, director of the Hollywood Bureau of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, spoke about the importance of investing in diversity and funding DEI in the communications world. She shared her hope for a future where DEI is not an "entity" or "initiative" but simply a part of our everyday lives.

4. Being the only woman of color in the room can be intimidating, but don't walk away - represent! Arlan Hamilton, founder and managing partner at Backstage Capital, spoke about the pressure of being the only person of color in the room. She emphasized the importance of creating opportunities for others and building a diverse and inclusive environment.

5. Cook up a "success ingredients list" as you set out for new positions and opportunities. Watchen Nyanue, founder and CEO of I Choose the Ladder, introduced a beneficial way to create a list of steps to reach success in one's career. She compared it to baking or cooking, where the right balance of ingredients will lead to success. These ingredients include skill mastery, networking, personal branding, self-advocacy, and strategic thinking.

The conference wrapped up with ColorComm's Signature Business Luncheon, where ColorComm CEO and Founder Lauren Wesley Wilson served as the emcee, and Tonya Lewis Lee, an award-winning filmmaker, was the keynote speaker. Wilson reflected on how ColorComm initially started as a way to connect women of color in business. Thirteen years later, it has evolved into a corporation that provides economic opportunities and advancement to multicultural communities.

The conference was a true testament to the power of women of color in the communications industry and the need for continued efforts towards diversity and inclusion. As Ana Flores, founder of #WeAllGrow Latina, put it, "DEI is needed because it is about feeling safe and connected." And as Wilson noted, "ColorComm has evolved into a corporation that provides economic opportunity and advancement to multicultural communities."

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