5.5 crore people have signed up for Atal Pension Yojana in Bhopal.

August 17th 2023.

5.5 crore people have signed up for Atal Pension Yojana in Bhopal.
The news of the Atal Pension Yojana has come as a massive success with the number of beneficiaries registered under the scheme reaching a staggering 5.50 crore. The Institutional Finance Commissioner, Bhaskar Lakshkar, was delighted to share the details of the advantages of the scheme.

He spoke about the scheme during the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority outreach program by Bankers Committee Madhya Pradesh for the Raisen district. Tarsem Singh Zira, Central Bank of India zonal head and convener of the State Level Bankers Committee, addressed the audience and said that the Atal Pension Yojana would act as a sort of shield to the elderly in their old age.

The scheme is accessible in all banks and Mr. Zira encouraged people present to share the benefits of the scheme to their near and dear ones. He said that such information should be shared so that more people can benefit from this scheme.

Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority DGM Priyanka Gupta also addressed the crowd through a PPT presentation, wherein she discussed the merits of the scheme in the simplest of terms. The number of subscribers for Atal Pension Yojana has crossed the 48 million mark, and with the rising popularity of the scheme, it looks like the numbers will continue to rise.

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