41 people from Jordan passed away due to high temperatures while taking part in the Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia.

41 Jordanians have died from heatstroke during Haj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, with authorities arranging burials and searching for missing pilgrims.

June 19th 2024.

41 people from Jordan passed away due to high temperatures while taking part in the Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia.
In Cairo, officials have reported that 41 Jordanian pilgrims have lost their lives to heatstroke while participating in the annual Haj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia. The soaring temperatures in the region have taken a toll on the pilgrims, causing many to suffer from heat-related illnesses.

In light of these tragic circumstances, the authorities are following proper procedures to lay the deceased pilgrims to rest in Mecca. Meanwhile, search operations are still ongoing to locate any missing pilgrims who may have been separated from their groups.

The Saudi government has issued warnings to all pilgrims, urging them to avoid being out in the sun and advising them to delay their rituals until after 4 p.m. This comes as no surprise, as the temperature in Islam's holiest city reached a scorching 51.8 degrees Celsius on Monday. Nearby holy sites were also experiencing extreme heat, with maximum temperatures reaching 48 degrees Celsius.

Despite the intense heat, an estimated 1.8 million worshippers have taken part in this year's Haj, one of the fundamental pillars of Islam. The pilgrimage began on Friday evening in Mecca, and the blistering heat has posed a significant challenge for both the pilgrims and law enforcement officers.

To ease transportation for the large crowds, buses and trains are utilized to transport pilgrims to the holy sites. However, even with these measures in place, the combination of the massive crowds and extreme heat has proven to be a difficult obstacle to overcome.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time that such a tragedy has occurred during the Haj pilgrimage. In recent decades, there have been several major incidents with hundreds of deaths due to overcrowding. As such, it is crucial for authorities to take necessary precautions to ensure the safety of all pilgrims, especially during times of extreme weather conditions.

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