I got a notification from Twitter last night that I had passed 400,000 followers. I don’t pay much attention to my follower count on Twitter but I did pause at that number. It’s a lot of people.
In light of this milestone of sorts, I thought I’d share some details on the people who follow me on Twitter. All of this data comes from the analytics service that comes with every Twitter account.
Not surprisingly, my Twitter followers are interested in technology and startups:
They are overwhelmingly wealthy men:
They lean democrat
And they prefer iPhones:
I’ve run these sorts of analytics on the readers of this blog and the results are pretty similar. Similar size of audience, similar demographics, interests, and mobile preferences.
If I had a wish, it would be for a more global audience, a more female audience, and a broader demographic in terms of wealth (or lack thereof). But the content I produce determines the audience. And I’m pleased that all of you are interested in what I have to say and I’d like to thank you for listening.