4 ways to make sure you get the service you deserve from your bank when you can't reach them.

Dealing with banks can be frustrating due to lack of human help and unhelpful chatbots, but there are ways to fight back.

September 8th 2024.

4 ways to make sure you get the service you deserve from your bank when you can't reach them.
Have you ever found yourself frustrated with the lack of human assistance when trying to contact your bank? We've all been there, sitting on hold for what feels like hours, only to be told to check the website for answers. It's a common experience that can leave us feeling angry and helpless. But, good news, there are ways to fight back against this poor customer service.

According to financial expert Andy Webb, who runs the blog "Be Clever With Your Cash," the most common complaints about financial products and services include the difficulty of reaching a human, over-reliance on chatbots, and the lack of access to a phone number. And let's not forget the endless hold music that can drive anyone crazy. Even when we do manage to speak to a person, they may not be trained or helpful.

One could argue that this is the price we pay for the convenience of apps and online banking. But with the decline of bank branches, it's becoming increasingly difficult to get help when we need it. Of course, we could always switch to a different bank or provider, but that may not necessarily solve the problem or lead to better customer service. And without feedback, these companies won't know what they need to change.

So, what can we do to make our voices heard and potentially improve service in the future? Here are some helpful tips:

1. Don't be afraid to speak up
If you have an issue, don't hesitate to contact your bank or provider directly. Let them know what went wrong and what you would like to see done about it. They may even offer compensation for any problems that have caused you financial loss. And if they ignore you or refuse to help, you can escalate the issue to the financial ombudsman, who has the power to intervene and make things right.

2. Leave public feedback
In this age of social media and online reviews, leaving feedback for others to see can be a powerful tool. Whether it's on the bank's social media channels, Google, or third-party review sites, sharing your experience can help others avoid a similar situation. Plus, the banks and companies may take notice of your comments and make changes accordingly.

3. Spread the word
Don't stop at leaving public feedback – word of mouth can be just as influential. Share your experiences with friends and family, and listen to their feedback as well. This can help you learn from each other's positive and negative experiences and potentially influence the companies to make changes for the better.

4. Don't forget to share the positives too
While most people tend to leave reviews when something goes wrong, it's also important to share your positive experiences. This can help others know which banks and providers offer good service and can guide them in making informed decisions. So, don't hesitate to leave a good review for a company that has provided you with excellent service.

In the end, if enough people speak up and share their experiences, it can motivate the banks and companies to improve their services for the benefit of everyone. And if only a few people do it, at least those companies who do make an effort to listen and improve deserve our support and loyalty.

So, the next time you have an experience with a bank or financial provider, don't hesitate to speak up and make your voice heard. Together, we can make a difference and improve customer service for everyone. And don't forget to follow Andy on Instagram and YouTube or visit his blog, "Be Clever With Your Cash," for more helpful financial tips. Do you have a story to share? Don't hesitate to get in touch by email.

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