4 actions to assist residents of Gaza, Palestine.

How can we help Palestinians remotely?

June 6th 2024.

4 actions to assist residents of Gaza, Palestine.
The news of a displaced Palestinian boy weeping over the death of his father, who was killed in an Israeli airstrike on June 3, 2024, is heartbreaking. It's just one of the many tragedies that occur every day in Gaza, and now, thanks to social media, the world is able to witness the unfiltered horror that the Palestinian people are facing. Livestreams on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and Facebook show the devastating effects of the Israeli attacks on a daily basis. From babies being burned alive to children's bodies being ripped apart, and even women undergoing amputations without anesthesia, the suffering is inescapable.

For those of us watching from thousands of miles away in the UK, it's overwhelming and sparks a desire for urgent action. But what can we do to help in the face of such bloodshed? The Agency has gathered some practical ways that people can support those on the ground in Gaza. One way is by donating directly to Palestinian families in need, rather than established non-profit organizations. Two volunteer-led movements, Operation Olive Branch and Project Watermelon, have been launched since the beginning of 2024, and they provide publicly accessible spreadsheets where people can choose a family to support with money for things like evacuation, clothing, and medicine. These initiatives have already helped over 800 families.

Another way to make a difference is by raising awareness and fundraising for these families. Many popular TikTok creators have been using their large followings to spread the word and encourage donations to these fundraisers. It's heartwarming to see people come together to support those in need.

Some people have also chosen to participate in a boycott movement called Blockout 2024. This involves unfollowing and boycotting celebrities who support Israel's war on Gaza, such as Debra Messing and Amy Schumer. Even celebrities like Beyonce and Taylor Swift have faced backlash for not speaking out against the bloodshed. The movement aims to hold corporations accountable for profiting from the war and has already had an impact on companies like Starbucks and McDonald's, who have seen a drop in sales.

Another way to support the people of Gaza is by donating e-sims, which are virtual SIM cards that allow them to connect to the outside world. With the destruction of infrastructure and the blockage of internet access by Israel, e-sims have played a crucial role in helping civilians connect with each other and with ambulances. Connecting Humanity, a non-profit based in Cairo, has been leading this campaign, and it has already received over 300,000 donations. However, more are needed as their lifespan is short, lasting only from five to 90 days.

One of the most impactful ways to support the people of Gaza is by boycotting corporations that profit from the war. This has been a successful tool, with companies like Pret A Manger pulling out of plans to open branches in Israel after facing pressure from the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement. It's important to hold these companies accountable for their actions and support businesses that are owned and operated by Palestinians, such as Shakeshuka, a Palestinian restaurant in London. The owner, Haleem Kherellah, has faced death threats but has also received overwhelming support from the pro-Palestinian community.

When The Agency visited Shakeshuka, it was heartwarming to see the restaurant filled with both locals and tourists, all showing their solidarity with the Palestinian people. The walls were adorned with Palestinian flags and photos of celebrities who have visited the restaurant. It's not just about providing financial stability for the team, but also showing support and solidarity with the Palestinian community. As Haleem said, "We are going to carry on and fly the Palestinian flag. We are not going to disappear." It's a powerful message that shows the resilience and strength of the Palestinian people.

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