16-year-old boy tragically dies while attempting to rescue his aunt who fell from a waterfall while taking a selfie.

A man named Romulo Lopes Cordeiro died while attempting to rescue a woman, Debora Mathe, who fell while taking a selfie in a heroic act.

August 23rd 2024.

16-year-old boy tragically dies while attempting to rescue his aunt who fell from a waterfall while taking a selfie.
Tragedy struck when Romulo Lopes Cordeiro and his aunt, Débora Mothé, fell to their deaths at a remote waterfall in Brazil. It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon in Campos de Goytacazes, a few hours away from Rio de Janeiro, when the accident occurred. Débora, a mother of two, was trying to take a selfie near the top of the waterfall when she slipped and fell into the water. Her nephew, Romulo, bravely tried to save her, but unfortunately lost his balance and fell in with her.

According to relatives, the current of the waterfall was strong and pushed the two down, leading to their tragic deaths. It is still unclear whether they drowned or were killed by the fall. The heartbreaking news was confirmed by Débora's daughter, Syndel, who spoke to CNN Brazil. She shared that her stepfather had shouted for her mother to hold on, but Romulo misunderstood and thought he was supposed to hold onto her. In his attempt to help, he too fell into the water.

Despite the efforts of a team of rescuers, including 25 soldiers, it took more than 30 hours to find the bodies of Romulo and Débora. The search was hindered by the dense and dark forest surrounding the waterfall, as well as the lack of communication signals. It was a difficult and emotional time for everyone involved, and the community came together to support the families of the victims.

An investigation has been launched by the police to determine the cause of the accident. It is a devastating loss for Débora's family, as she was a beloved PE teacher and hairdresser, leaving behind two daughters. Romulo's school also honored his memory by suspending classes for a day and releasing a statement expressing their solidarity with his family and friends during this time of grief.

The world lost two precious lives that day, but their bravery and love for each other will always be remembered. Romulo's attempt to save his aunt will forever be a testament to the selfless and heroic nature of human beings. May their souls rest in peace.

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