February 17th 2025.
Moving in together is a big step in any relationship. It's a time filled with excitement, as well as a little bit of trepidation. Suddenly, you're faced with the task of finding furniture that you both agree on, and navigating the uncharted waters of sharing a living space. And let's not forget the inevitable arguments over mundane tasks like loading the dishwasher or accidentally leaving the TV on all night.
But amidst the chaos, there's also a sense of discovery. As you start living together, you begin to uncover your partner's quirks and habits that they may have kept hidden before. It's a journey that can be both hilarious and eye-opening. And it seems like we're not the only ones who find our partner's idiosyncrasies fascinating. In fact, when a Reddit thread asked people to confess the weirdest things they've discovered about their significant other since moving in together, over 6,000 users eagerly shared their stories.
One of the most popular topics was food habits. It turns out that the kitchen can expose a lot about our partners' unique tendencies, including their preferred way of enjoying snacks. For example, one user shared how their boyfriend loves to eat dry tortellini straight from the bag while reading in bed. Another confessed that their partner eats Oreos by letting them dissolve in milk until it becomes a sludge-like consistency. And let's not forget the person whose significant other insists on keeping a kettle of water on the stove at all times, just in case the power goes out.
But it's not just what our partners eat, it's also how they use the kitchen that can be surprising. Some people were bewildered by their partner's disorganized cutlery drawer, while others were driven mad by their habit of constantly opening the oven while cooking. And for one Redditor, it was the realization that their partner prefers to keep all the cutlery mixed together in one messy drawer.
Aside from food habits, sleeping habits were also a hot topic. While some people had already shared a bed with their partner before moving in together, for others, it was a completely new experience. And it turns out that not everyone sleeps the same way. Some partners sleep like vampires, with their arms folded on their chest, while others have a habit of sleeping with their eyes slightly open, causing their partner to think they've died. And let's not forget the person who wakes up to their partner suddenly raising their arms in the air like a zombie, giving them an unexpected mammogram.
But it's not just how our partners sleep, it's also what they say in their sleep that can be amusing. One person shared how their partner talks in their sleep, often saying random and silly things. Another person's partner periodically giggles in their sleep, which they find to be absolutely adorable.
And even when our partners are awake, their habits can still leave us scratching our heads. Some people were baffled by their partner's morning routine, such as setting multiple alarms that never seem to wake them up. And when it comes to bathroom habits, well, let's just say that can be a divisive topic. From someone who spends an hour on the toilet before finally having a bowel movement to another person's partner who undresses completely before going to the bathroom, there's no shortage of strange bathroom routines.
But despite all of these quirks and habits, it's clear that we still love our partners just the way they are. After all, even if they have a weird way of eating Oreos or sleeping like a vampire, they're still the ones we chose to share our lives with. So, let's raise a glass (or a bowl of dry tortellini) to all the weird and wonderful things we discover about our partners when we move in together. And who knows, maybe we'll even develop some strange habits of our own along the way.
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