12 MPS found guilty by RS panel of misconduct for causing disruptions, given cautionary warning.

A committee in the Rajya Sabha found 12 opposition MPs, including AAP's Sanjay Singh, guilty of misconduct for disrupting proceedings and warned them to avoid similar behavior in the future.

June 27th 2024.

12 MPS found guilty by RS panel of misconduct for causing disruptions, given cautionary warning.
On Thursday, the Privileges Committee of the Rajya Sabha found 12 opposition members guilty of misconduct for disrupting House proceedings last August. Among them was Sanjay Singh, a member of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). The committee cautioned them against such behavior in the future.

In a report presented to the Upper House of Parliament, the privileges panel declared Singh guilty of disregarding the directions of the Chairman. However, they also accepted his unconditional apology and recommended the revocation of his suspension. The committee believed that the punishment he had already suffered was sufficient.

Singh had been suspended from the Rajya Sabha on July 24, 2023, through a motion for breaching privilege. He had willfully disobeyed the chair's directions, repeatedly violated house rules, and made disparaging remarks about the leader of the House.

The panel's report stated that all 12 members, including Singh, were guilty of serious transgression of privileges and contempt of the Council of States. However, they recommended no action against three members who had since retired from the council. As for the remaining members, the committee advised them to refrain from such misconduct in the future and maintain exemplary conduct in the House.

The committee also recommended that Singh's suspension, which was adopted by the Council on August 11 last year, be treated as sufficient punishment. They hoped that he would scrupulously adhere to the accepted conduct regime in the House in the future. The committee requested the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha to consider revoking Singh's suspension immediately, without waiting for the Council to reassemble for the ensuing session.

In another report, the committee condemned the outrageous misconduct of the MPs. They stated that not only had they sacrileged the temple of democracy, but they had also desecrated the people's faith and disregarded constitutional ordainment. The committee believed that if such behavior by MPs was allowed, it would be the death knell of democracy.

The committee also noted that while the members had apologized, their actions did not meet the criteria for an unqualified apology, as mentioned in the 75th Report of the committee. They clarified that even an unqualified apology can only be a factor in determining the punishment, not for exoneration.

In a separate report on Singh, the committee observed that his behavior was highly indecorous and unbecoming. He had trampled on his fellow colleagues' privileges by disrupting the Council's proceedings with his disorderly conduct. Despite several justifications and obfuscations, Singh eventually tendered an unconditional apology. However, the committee stated that this could not be a reason for early reprieve, given the aggravating circumstances.

The committee believed that Singh's conduct warranted exemplary punishment. However, after considering all the facts and circumstances, they recommended that his unconditional apology be accepted, and his suspension be taken as sufficient. They requested the Council to consider revoking Singh's suspension immediately.

On Thursday, Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar announced in the House that Singh's suspension from the service of the House had been revoked. This was done after the Committee of Privileges submitted its findings and declared Singh guilty of misconduct. The committee had presented two reports on the pending matters against Singh on June 26, 2024.

Chairman Dhankhar invoked the authority vested in him under Rules 202 and 266 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Council of States. He revoked Singh's suspension with effect from June 26, 2024, to allow him to attend Parliament. He expressed his confidence that the House would approve of this decision.

In another report, the Privileges panel closed the matter related to the breach of privilege against 'Telangana Today'. The editor had accepted the error of misreporting and apologized for the unintentional lapse on their part. They had reported incorrectly on the meeting of the business advisory committee of Rajya Sabha.

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