March 5th 2025.
It's a common trend in the video game industry for publishers to abandon their titles, leaving fans eagerly waiting for a sequel that may never come. It's a frustrating reality for gamers, especially when a game has been successful and has a dedicated fan base. So, let's take a look at some of the games that are long overdue for a sequel and maybe even try to convince some executives to give them another chance.
One game that stands out on this list is Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks 2. While previous spin-off games in the Mortal Kombat series have been disappointing, Shaolin Monks was a surprisingly good co-op adventure game released in 2005. Fans have been eagerly waiting for a sequel, and even series creative director Ed Boon has teased a possible remake or follow-up. With the success of the recent Mortal Kombat 11, now would be the perfect time to revive this co-op gem.
Another game that has been overlooked for a sequel is Need For Speed: Underground 3. While there have been many sequels to the 2004 hit, fans are still waiting for a true follow-up to the game that introduced an expansive city sandbox, varied missions, and impressive car customization. It's a strange omission, especially considering the game's popularity among fans. Perhaps a remaster or a new installment would be a fitting tribute to the lightning in a bottle quality of the original.
One franchise that has been repeatedly revived without satisfying fans' wishes is Battlefield. Despite repeated failures, EA continues to bring back the series, but they have yet to give fans the sequel they've been clamoring for: Battlefield: Bad Company 3. The first two games in the series were praised for their story campaigns and emphasis on destructible terrain, and a return to this formula could help EA rival the success of Call of Duty.
Nintendo's quirky rhythm game Elite Beat Agents has also been long overdue for a sequel. It's a game that has a dedicated fan base and offers endless possibilities for fun and wacky scenarios. With the power of the Nintendo Switch, a sequel could take the gameplay to new heights and delight fans once again. And speaking of long-awaited sequels, the beloved Bully franchise has been rumored to be getting a sequel for years, but nothing has materialized. With school life changing drastically since the original's release, a modern-day sequel could provide endless opportunities for satire and social commentary.
It's not just modern games that are in need of a sequel. The Mega Man Legends series, which ended on a cliffhanger in its last installment, has been long overdue for a new game. Fans were disappointed when the planned sequel for the Nintendo 3DS was canceled in 2011. With remastered compilations of other Mega Man series coming out, it's high time that Legends gets the same treatment.
Another action game that deserves a sequel is Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. While the original game was fantastic, it's no secret that the developers were brought in late in the development process, resulting in a short but satisfying experience. A sequel with PlatinumGames involved from the beginning would be a dream come true for fans.
Marvel vs. Capcom 4 is another game that fans have been eagerly waiting for. After the underwhelming performance of Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite, it seemed like there would never be a new installment in the series. However, the recent release of the Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection has given fans hope for a sequel with a more inspired roster and a more colorful art style.
Some of the games on this list are personal favorites, like Klonoa 3. The charming platformer series has a loyal fan base, and the recent remasters of the PlayStation 2.5D games had fans hoping for a new sequel. With its challenging platforming and unique dream-traveling concept, a modern-day sequel would be a delight for fans.
And finally, we have Bloodborne 2. As one of the best-selling PlayStation 4 games, it's a wonder why Sony has not yet commissioned a sequel from developer FromSoftware. Fans have been eagerly waiting for a follow-up, but there has been no news of a new game. It's a shame to see such an incredible game fade from the public eye, especially considering the potential for improvements with a new installment.
In conclusion, these are just a few of the many games that are long overdue for a sequel. With their dedicated fan bases and potential for success, it's a wonder why some publishers have not given them the attention they deserve. But as fans, we can continue to show our support and hope that one day these beloved games will get the sequel they deserve.
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