10 famous actors who also pursued music careers but you may have forgotten about.

Some of these are unbelievable!

May 16th 2024.

10 famous actors who also pursued music careers but you may have forgotten about.
It's hard to believe that some of our favorite actors actually started out as musicians! We never realized just how many talented performers began their careers as singers. As we all know, many stars are known as triple threats - meaning they can act, sing, and sometimes even dance. And it's not uncommon for actors to also have amazing singing voices.

Take Hugh Jackman, for example. We all know him as the versatile actor who brought Wolverine to life, but did you know he's also an incredibly talented singer? He showed off his vocal skills in The Greatest Showman, and we were blown away. Similarly, Emmy Rossum wowed us with her performance in The Phantom of the Opera, but she's still primarily known as an actress.

Then there are some actors, like Harry Styles and Jared Leto, who already had established music careers before they decided to dip their toes into acting. It just goes to show that it's possible to excel in both fields of entertainment. And let's not forget about the A-listers who we all know and love, but completely forgot that they ever started out as musicians!

Did you know that Minnie Driver and Keanu Reeves both had full-blown singing careers before they became household names on the big screen? From Minnie's soulful performances to Keanu's rockstar vibes, these celebs had us singing along before we even knew they could act. And let's not forget about Scarlett Johansson, who had a successful singing career in the noughties, releasing two albums before focusing on her acting career.

Another surprising name on this list is Bruce Willis. Yes, the action hero we all know and love also had a music career in the 80s. He released three albums, showcasing his musical talents as a singer, guitarist, and songwriter. And who could forget about Brie Larson? Before she was starring in blockbuster films, she released an album at the young age of 16, sharing her experiences and emotions as a teenager.

But it's not just Hollywood stars who have found success in both acting and music. Alyssa Milano, known for her iconic roles in Who's the Boss and Charmed, also had a thriving pop career in the 80s and 90s. And Zoe Kravitz, daughter of musician Lenny Kravitz, is one half of the duo band Lolawolf, showcasing her musical talents alongside her acting career.

And let's not forget about Russell Crowe, who surprised us all with his appearance in Les Miserables. Many critics claimed he couldn't sing, but little did they know that he was actually a professional singer in a band called 30 Odd Foot of Grunts. He even continues to pursue music with his band Indoor Garden Party.

It's amazing to see these talented individuals excel in both acting and music. Who knows, maybe we'll see more actors-turned-musicians in the future! Do you have a favorite actor who also has an amazing singing career? Let us know!

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